So you and your pet have just landed in your new destination – now what?  If you’re feeling exhausted from your travels, you can only imagine how your dog or cat may be feeling.  While it’s an exciting new adventure for both of you, it’s important to take extra care of them following air travel, especially if it’s their first flight experience.  They may be feeling scared, nervous, or confused.  But with a little extra TLC, they’ll be feeling like themselves in no time.

In order to help acclimate your pet to their new home, here are some post-travel tips we recommend for your furry friend.

Feed and monitor them

Depending on how long you’ve been travelling for, your pet may be feeling hungry.  When feeding them, be sure to do so in a safe space where they can’t escape, and don’t overfeed them.  The plane ride may have made them nauseous, and overfeeding them could make them sick.  We also recommend providing them plenty of fresh water to ensure they’re hydrated.  As part of your pet’s VIP experience with Worldwide Animal Travel, we ensure that they’re taken care of in between their travels by walking, feeding and bathing them (if needed), and you’ll receive updates along their journey.

Most importantly, upon picking them up from the airport, take this time to monitor their immediate behaviour following the flight.  If your dog or cat seems to be in distress, take them to a veterinarian right away.  With that said, most cats and dogs arrive at their new home safely without experiencing any issues.

Exercise them

If you’ve ever travelled by plane before, you know how uncomfortable it can be confined to a small space for hours – it’s the same for your pet in their crate!  Be sure to take them to a safe space where they can stretch their legs.  This will also give them an opportunity to relieve themselves and sniff their surroundings to help them feel more comfortable with their new surroundings. 

If your cat or dog is travelling with Worldwide Animal Travel and passing through Vancouver or Toronto, they’ll benefit from our comfort stops where they’ll be walked, fed and reprepared for their additional travel.  Our staff will ensure your pet receives all the love and attention they deserve prior to sending them onto their connecting flight!

Acquaint them to their new home

A new, unfamiliar territory could have your dog or cat feeling uneasy and they may experience some anxiety as a result.  Upon arrival at your new home, let your dog or cat explore their surroundings.  We highly recommend pet-proofing your home prior to letting them roam.  Having their toys and/or bed available to them can provide a sense of familiarity and help ease any anxiety they may be feeling.  Most importantly don’t leave your cat or dog home alone right away.  Spend some time with them and be sure to monitor their behaviour.

While most pets experience no issues during their travels, the most important thing is to monitor them immediately after their flight and the days following it. Worldwide Animal Travel has been safely transporting pets for over 20 years.  If you’re looking for an experienced and trusted pet shipper that can provide you with peace of mind, contact us for a free quote today!