As a pet owner, I know how easy it is to get attached to an animal, which is why when I see time and time again that fake organizations are using our name and logo to scam people into buying cheap pets online, I get very upset. Fake companies are claiming to have cheap dogs and cats for sale online, and ask that you only pay a small shipping cost. In the end there are no dogs or cats, just a group of individuals who are looking to make a quick buck off of unsuspecting pet lovers. I know how easy it is to get attached to an animal. While the victims of this scam have not come into contact with these fabricated animals, they are sent updates and pictures and form an emotional attachment to them. The realization that they have spent hundreds of dollars for nothing is incredibly heartbreaking, especially when someone was expecting a new furry friend to arrive in their life. There is no denying that pets are expensive. I remember when I was looking to purchase a cat for my family I was shocked by the cost. Finding what appears to be an amazing deal on a dog or cat can be hard to resist. It’s important to understand that there is a reason animals are priced the way they are, and no breeds of dogs or cats will ever be offered for free online. A general rule of thumb when searching for animals on the Internet is if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. I got into this business because I love animals and I understand the joy they bring to peoples lives. We make it our mission at WorldWide Animal Travel to ensure the comfort and safety of your pet when travelling, and to keep our clients happy. I wanted to post this blog to ensure that people are aware of these criminals, and do not think we are associated with this scam in any way shape or form. I know it can be easy to get caught up in an online hoax like this, but it’s my hope that this information will prevent anyone from becoming the next victim of an online pet scam.
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