How To Calm Your Pet’s Anxiety

How To Calm Your Pet’s Anxiety

If you’ve ever experienced anxiety, you know how terrifying and debilitating it can be. For pets, it can be even harder to deal with, especially considering they aren’t able to tell you exactly how they’re feeling. In these cases, finding a way to soothe your anxious...
How To Help A Stray Or Abandoned Animal

How To Help A Stray Or Abandoned Animal

Many of our clients were captivated by the story of four kittens who were abandoned, and later discovered by Worldwide Animal Travel (WAT) in transit from Taiwan. They were highly malnourished, and looked as though they wouldn’t make it through the journey, let alone...
How Often Should You Bathe Your Pet?

How Often Should You Bathe Your Pet?

In the summertime, you may be tempted to bathe your pet more often, especially if you’re seeing sweat and dirt accumulate in their fur. However, bathing your pet too often can cause skin irritation for some animals, particularly ones with lighter and less dense fur....
Comforting Your Pet During Travel

Comforting Your Pet During Travel

Air travel can be harrowing for your furry friend, and if you haven’t travelled with your pet before, they may feel especially anxious. Often, the result of these severe stress responses can cause health issues for your pet, including respiratory issues, elevated...