Don’t Fall Prey to an Online Pet Scam

Don’t Fall Prey to an Online Pet Scam

With many Canadians spending more time at home these days, the urge to finally get that pet you’ve always wanted may be on your mind. Pets make excellent companions and there are even many health benefits that come along with getting one. Unfortunately, sometimes...
The Health Benefits of Having a Furry Companion

The Health Benefits of Having a Furry Companion

National Best Friends Day is quickly approaching on June 8th.  Are you and your pet ready to celebrate? As pet owners, we have a lot to be thankful for when it comes to the animals we care for. Not only do they bring us sheer joy in our daily lives, but there are also...
Why You Shouldn’t Keep Exotic Animals As Pets

Why You Shouldn’t Keep Exotic Animals As Pets

Are you Team Joe Exotic or Team Carole Baskin? Hopefully, you’ve answered neither! If you’re not sure what we’re talking about, you’re likely one of the few people who has yet to watch Netflix’s Tiger King. If you’re wondering why we say “neither”, the short answer is...
How to Contribute to the Prevention of Animal Cruelty

How to Contribute to the Prevention of Animal Cruelty

As an animal lover, the last thing you’d think about is harming your feathery, furry, or scaly friend. But for hundreds of thousands of animals across the country and beyond, this is a reality they know all too well. April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals month,...
How Do Companion Animals Fit Into Your Household?

How Do Companion Animals Fit Into Your Household?

As you can probably attest, animals are truly best friend material. They keep you company, make you feel useful, and usually provide cuddle opportunities on a regular basis. Although you speak a different language than your pet, most animal enthusiasts will agree that...